As the summer season approaches and temperatures rise, it sets the tone for another possible hot and dry period throughout late spring and summer. it’s time to focus your attention on one of your most crucial responsibilities of lawn care: watering. In this document, we’ll be discussing the best practices for watering your lawn during hot and dry spells to ensure a healthy and vibrant lawn all summer long.
1. Timing is Everything.
Watering your lawn during a hot dry spell requires careful timing. Aim to water your lawn early in the morning or late in the evening when the temperatures are cooler. This helps minimise water loss through evaporation and allows the grass to absorb the moisture effectively.
**For those that have had lawn renovations, this iseven more important – your roots will still be immatureand won’t yet have the resilience of an establishedlawn**
2. Deep and Infrequent Watering
Rather than giving your lawn a light sprinkle every day,focus on deep and infrequent watering.This encouragesthe grass roots to grow deeper into the soil, making themmore resilient to drought conditions. Water your lawnthoroughly, ensuring that the moisture penetrates 4 to 6inches deep into the soil.
3. Mindful Water Conservation
During hot and dry spells, water conservation is essential.Consider the use of a rain barrel or other water-savingtechniques to collect and reuse rainwater for watering yourlawn. Additionally, check for any leaks or inefficiencies inyour irrigation system to avoid unnecessary water wastage
4. Be Mindful of Local Water Restrictions
Stay informed about any local water restrictions or guidelinesin your area. Many regions have specific regulations duringdrought conditions. Make sure you comply with these ruleswhile keeping your lawn healthy. Efficient watering practiceswill help you maximise the impact of limited water resources.WE CURRENTLY DO NOT HAVE A HOSEPIPE BAN WITHANGLIAN WATER – BUT PLEASE CHECK
5. Observe Your Lawn’s Needs
Pay attention to the signs your lawn exhibits. If the grassblades start turning a dull greyish-green colour or show signs of stress (such as wilting or footprints remaining visible), it’s anindication that your lawn needs water. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly, keeping in mind the overall climateconditions.
6. Don’t Overwater
While it’s important to keep your lawn hydrated, overwateringcan be detrimental. Excessive moisture can lead to shallowroot growth, weed growth, and the development of fungaldiseases. Ensure your lawn has proper drainage and avoidwaterlogging by monitoring the moisture levels and adjustingyour watering schedule as needed.
Additionally. if you choose not to irrigate yourlawn, or if your lawn is too large to waterefficiently, consider upping your mowing height toencourage continuous health in the lawn. Lawnsthat are mowed lowed are the first to suffer indrought conditions.