Red thread is a common lawn disease caused by a fungus called Laetisaria fuciformis. It appears as pink or red threads on grass blades and can lead to patches of dead or thinning grass. While it’s best to consult with The Lawnologist for the most severe cases, here are some home remedies and general tips to help manage and prevent red thread in your lawn:

1. Improve lawn care practices: Maintaining a healthy lawn is the first line of defence against diseases. Ensure you follow good lawn care practices, including proper and regular mowing, watering and keeping organic debris off.

2. Mow correctly: Avoid cutting the grass too short, as longer grass provides better protection against fungal diseases. Set your mower to a higher setting and aim to keep the grass around 4- 5cm. This allows better air movement

3. Watering: Water your lawn deeply and infrequently. Water in the morning, so the grass has a chance to dry out during the day. Avoid evening watering, as prolonged moisture on grass blades can encourage fungal growth.

4. Aerate the soil: Compacted soil can create an environment where lawn diseases thrive. Aerating your lawn will help improve air circulation, water penetration, and overall grass health. We recommend professional aeration annually and can book this in for you.

5. Proper drainage: Ensure your lawn has good drainage to prevent water from pooling, which can create ideal conditions for fungal growth.

6. Remove thatch: Thatch is the layer of dead grass and debris that accumulates on the soil surface. Excessive thatch can harbour fungi and other pathogens. You can do this in localised patches with a rake or book us to professionally scarify your lawn with the correct machinery.

7. Use disease-resistant grass varieties: When over-seeding or reseeding your lawn, opt for disease-resistant grass species or cultivars, as they are less susceptible to fungal infections.

8. Avoid excessive nitrogen: While nitrogen is essential for grass growth, an excessive amount can make your lawn more susceptible to diseases and produce excessive thatch. We will have designed a program to best suit your lawn to take this worry away from you.

9. Keep lawn equipment clean: Fungal spores can spread through lawn equipment. Clean your mower blades, rakes, and other tools after each use to prevent the spread of the disease.

10. In severe cases, we may have to consider using fungicides. We will suggest and apply these professionally for you based upon the severity of the infestation.

Remember that prevention is key to managing lawn diseases effectively. By maintaining a healthy lawn with proper care, and by following our advice, you can reduce the risk of red thread and other fungal infections.